Got a new one out!

Hey all,

I just wanted to shameless say that I have finally begun a new story and I'm very intrigued on where it might end up. Of course, I have a basic outline and have a general idea of where I'm hoping it will go, but the possibilities are endless when I start writing. Sometimes the things that come out have nothing to do with where I was going with an idea, but end up being the better road. That's how my story It's Hard for Me turned out. 

Anyway, I just wanted to say that I am happy to be working with the muses again and missed it truly. If you want to check out my new story Overdue Promises please feel free to click on over to it. Right now, it is only 1 chapter in but there are many more to come I'm sure. Anyway, thanks for letting me ramble and promote away. Haha. 


Fan out


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