My Answer


I have finally made a decision regarding my status on AFF : I will no longer be posting new works.

From this moment forward, I will no longer be posting my new works to AFF. Almost all of my older works will be unlisted by the time you read this. I will be making changes on AO3 to accommodate the traffic that may or may not come from this decision.

(Comment moderation will be enabled and you will have to have an AO3 account in order to comment. You will not be able to comment on Anon.)

This all stems from the community on AFF. The time I have spent here has been hit or miss. I will still be talking to the wonderful friends I have made here and reading fics, but you will not see me updating with any of my new works. Too many times I have encountered people who are abusive, heteronormative, and entitled. The first step to making it stop, is actively putting my foot down. You are not entitled to my work, nor are you entitled to anyone else's work.

If or when I decide to come back, most likely, I will be restricting works even further than I am now. For the time being, you can find me and my fics on AO3.


This is a list of fics that will stay on my AFF :

Power Exchange

Down in the DM
(Will be updated until complete; no drabbles will be updated here)


Eternal Sunshine

The Mocha Verse Fics
(Hustler, staying out all night, White Chocolate Mocha, ocean eyes, and kiss me all night)
Any other works that get added to this verse will not be posted on AFF.

Bad at Love

New Born

Ange et Velours Noir

If lost, return to : Baekhyun

Sweater Weather

Time Boils the Rain



That's it. Out of almost 50 works, only about 20 will remain. Once the chaptered works are completed, that's it. No drabbles will be posted here. Any fic that gets a sequel or prequel will not be posted here. Several of these fics have other works in the Verse. They will not be posted here. Any comments that say 'updates please' will be removed and I will take longer to work on it. Do not make me completely remove the rest of my works from here. These are the most recent and most popular fics I have. This is a courtesy I don't actually have to provide. I'm doing this out of the goodness of my heart. Please don't make me regret that. Please, respect this decision. If I find my fics re-uploaded I will report you. If you find my fics re-uploaded, please report it and then tell me. My DMs are always open. You can find me on Twitter and Tumblr. (I do not update the Tumblr daily.) 


Goodbye, AFF. Love, Kuma.


PS - The actual straw that broke the camels back on this decision was having someone Subscribe to every single one of my works. You would think this is flattering, no? You're wrong.

They consumed over 30 fics not leaving a single comment or upvote.

I told them if they continued to do so, they would be blocked from seeing the rest of my works. They did not listen to what I had to say and Subscribed to one of the more recent and popular works. I blocked them at that point. You aren't going to read every single one of my fics without leaving something. This is also a huge problem on AFF. The community here consumes fic left and right, but doesn't upvote or comment. At least on AO3 I receive kudos.

The readership culture here is too entitled. If I see the problem persisting on the works I left up, I will set them to friends only/invite only. Please, don't make me do this. Don't be the .




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