
Now..  Just now, i understand why people end their life... 

When you're alone,  when you doesnt know what to do anymore..  When you're stuck.. 

When you're tired yelling... 

And no one understand.. No one beside you...

This feelling, i understand now.. 

I have it now.. 

I wanna sleep... Forever... 


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You're not alone . You're worthy and your feelings are valid. They do matter. Please don't give up hope in life. Everyone will go through different test and obstacles . It's not easy , but do know that nothing last forever so as to your pain and sadness. Everything come and go. Just like the season, they never stay the same. Give life a chance. Give yourself a chance. Life is worth fighting for. Think of your loved ones and your dreams. Think about all the possibility of what you may achieved in life if you don't give up. Stay strong. Do seek for help if you need
Hi. We may not know each other personally, but I’ve gone through serious depression (I still am). Can’t deny I’ve had thoughts and done stuff, but please do know that there are people who loves you and you are worth it. Everyone is. No matter how bad it gets, black dog days will pass. :)