I Don't Know

I just feel stupid right now

I'm supposed to feel exhilarated
We got third place, we juniors did it right in our first competition! We even beat the seniors!

But why does it feel like it's all a hoax?

It's like we did it out if pure luck and got defeated because we met actual good competition. It's like our luck just happened to run out

Is this normal?

I was so nervous before, and I was shaking as I delivered my speech, it was all faked bravado and faked confidence. It just doesn't feel right that we got this

Was I good? Was I worthy of receiving the prize? I don't feel like it.

Someone help me

Why does it feel like whatever I do is wrong?


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Dude I relate to this so much. That feeling of attaining something amazing, but just feeling like a fraud/not really being able to relish your accomplishment. It's depressing because then you start thinking "If I wasn't happy with this, then will I be happy with anything?"

I can't offer you much in terms of advice because I relate to this a lot, but please know that you're not alone in this feeling. Something that's /helped/ me is coming to terms with the fact that I got my accomplishment because of my hard work. So i'd reflect on all the work you put into your speech/competition, and how it paid off. Also, how do u know your seniors weren't faking bravado/confidence?

Love you!! <3