HELP! My friend is suicidal and leading to self-harm I don't know what to do!


So I have this friend i consider best friend IRL, since i came out about my own mental problems my best friends have been really open with me.


SO this friend of mine, I've seen the familiarity with my own self. She harmed herself with his nails, and said it feels good, and said she promised she wont ever cut with blades because she's afraid of infection, but i just didn't buy it. Because i was afraid too at first, but I still did it.


And she asked me about medicines to help her sleep and she tole me she wanted to sleep and not wake up, just like how i thought like almost every night.


Some of you might have known that i'm not the best at keeping people away from these types of danger. I ing tried to justify cutting, and pro-drinkinganymedicationatallaslongasyougetsleep. I was trying so hard to share how cutting safely is justified, and how cutting could help (I know it's wrong now, don't worry, though i still can't believe it at heart). I thought i would be encouraging her, since i thought what i was doing was "so right".


But i feel nothing but worry and horrified, knowing what it feels like that drives me to this point is "starting" to happen to her. 






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I think what you can do right now is try to provide your full moral support and seek for help. Try to distract her , give her comfort , boost her self esteem by telling her how amazing she is and etc . In my opinion , self harm in anyway is just as dangerous . Even cutting with nails can cause infections too . Since she even asked about medicines and etc, I think she might need some professional help. She need to have something to look forward too , something to keep her going , a purposed , a dream , ... mostly , she need to see her own self worth in order to have the courage and strength to fight through .. I really hope that she received all the help and support that she needs . Please show and tell her that many people in here are cheering on her well being. Tell her that she's not alone. You're a great friend . Please know that you're amazing for helping others despite of your own circumstances . I will be cheering on the both of you. Stay strong. Never give up
You have to talk to his family friend.And if there's some adult who u know caring .May be a teacher or a lecturer. Everything will be okay. Talk with her about happy things and tell her how amazing person she is. Share your experience and tell her how u get recovered.

P.S : You are a good friend.
I would say that this is a situation where you need to to tell someone because it sounds like she's moving past self harm and is contemplating suicide. I had a friend like this in high school and I didn't tell anyone because I was afraid he would get mad at me. A few weeks later he ended up killing himself (╯︵╰,) It's something I'll always regret. I really hope that that won't be what happens with you and your friend, and that you can both be happy and healthy one day ♥
ayeThere #4
Hi. I don't know much, but stay by her side often. Did she not tell her parents because she was unconfident and nervous? It's nice that you're by her side. Just talk in general, and it may lead to random and funny things. It'll help you both relax and reflect upon yourselves.