Rest from writing

As an author/writer, I currently feel so demotivated and disappointed with myself. So to you, readers, I'll be taking a rest from writing chaptered stories. I'll come back once I'm ready. 

I've put 'Between Heaven and Hell' under draft status, and 'Pieces of Remembrance' might follow suit or let's see if I can still write / update for #POR. A lot of things running in my head I cannot really focus doing this. I feel so demotivated with my writing. I know it's lacking and I don't deserve to ask for more. So now I decided to stop and take a rest. 

I know many of you don't even know me. I do enjoy writing but I don't like this feeling. Like I'm wasting my time when actually I'm more into putting myself in a comfort zone. It's so hard to heal, it's so hard to cure without medications and I do realize that I can never do things right. I'm so much exhausted with this. Now I think it's better for me to put some of my stories on hiatus. 

I enjoy writing blogpost and poems but I no longer enjoy writing stories. It's tiring to see mistakes, it's tiring to see no feedback, it's tiring to see that I cannot even make my readers happy. I will consider about writing short stories and drabbles but now I'm giving up on chaptered ones. 

I sincerely apologize for whatever things I've done wrong. I'm someone who's trapped in the past which it's hard to let go. 

Yours truly. 



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Darling, I don't think you've done anything wrong so don't blame yourself please! I also know how you feel about not getting feedback (I really do tho nowadays my stories are doing well) and all the mistakes. I'm not going to tell you to not give up and stay bc taking a break and just resting, getting away from all this, is also very important. So rest and take some time for yourself, don't worry about your stories or us - you can always return, when and if you want^-^ I hope things will get better for you.
But sis your poems are very beautiful...