
Are you mad at me?

No, Im not.

Are you still mad at me? I asked her again. 

No, Im not! She answered. Half yelling.

So why did you being away from all of us? 

I dont know.


I dont know! That what my heart wants!


I looked at her. Almost cry. But i hold my tears inside.

My heart hurt. She have been hurt. 

We all hurt. 


I will never understand you.

You wont be able even if you want to. 

Im sorry. I will never.

I know. I dont blame you. Its my fault. 


And she walks away just like that. Without turning back. Leaving me behind.

She decide to let go everything. Let go all of the memories and our friendship.


Im sorry for not be able to understand. I still didnt understand.

Me too. I didnt understand why i did it either.


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