Flower's Love Verse


By the request of a reader, I've made her a story with the plot of her choice! If you love Chen and fluffy, romantic stories with a touch of humour, then this is probably the one for you! Please do take a look at Flower's Love Verse~ But before that, here's a quick sneak peak!

"Jongdae, I'm just telling you this as your friend," Junmyeon stares at his friend in disbelief. "This is stupid," 

"It's stupid," Jongdae agrees before flashing a grin at his friend. "But I have nothing to lose." 


When the wind blows hard, Jongdae lets the letter in his hand fly off into the air, letting the wind carry it away like a lost kite. 


"You're just polluting," Junmyeon clicks his tongue. "Nobody in their right minds would believe in that old legend," he sighs as he sits down on the grass, his eyes following the letter flying about. "Finding true love by throwing a letter into the air—what if your letter ends up in a swamp or something? Are you going to conclude that fishes are your true love?"

"Well, I don't know about trouts and carps being my true love, but," Jongdae hangs his hands on his hips with his eyebrows furrowed, "Who knows? Maybe I'm destined to be with a swamp woman or something... Well, swamp woman or not, I'll love my woman unconditionally!"

"... You're hopeless," 


Unknown to them, the wind god had been smirking at them the whole time.

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Flower's Love Verse




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