Frustrating Confession

Image result for anime girl aesthetic

Boy, hush now; so sorry.

Your presence alone makes me wary.

My feelings are mixed up, it's an equation,

I always get back to square one, is there a possible solution?


We are not even together.

I am always anxious, why do I even bother?

We are parallel lines, we look at the same place,

But our point of views are of different space.


We never exchanged simple "hellos,"

But guess what, you make my body twist with our awkward eye contacts.

It's frustrating to be attracted to your smile,

Even your mini cultural assets never get out of style.


I add and subtract my percentage of attraction,

In the end, I multiply more and more as conclusion.

To be honest, your personality's unlikable,

But somehow you really just end up lovable.


This is a throwback during my junior high days when I wrote this poem about my feelings to my crush, because I couldn't confess wahhahaha XD

This even ended up as an entry in our yearbook (god, it's embarrassing thinking back about it now lol)

Some lines were even inspired from BTS' songs~~

I'm such a dork hahahah XD



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