I got stressed and created these graphics lmao

Stress has been piling up for me and I'm still tryna sort through with my life. I'm like going through one of those phases in which I need to make huge decisions that could lead to a big change in my life so whew, the pressure is real. This is highly why I haven't been so active here. With that said, life isn't as haphazard as it was so I'm slowly returning to my writings and all the other stuff I have going on here though at an extremely slow pace. I've still got people to respond to in my inbox and comments to reply to so like in case any of you read this, just know that I'm sorry for my delays and that I may take some time because half of my mind is still floating elsewhere T.T

That said, my hand was feeling rather itchy so as a result, I created these to relieve my stress. The whole process was oddly soothing tbh. Sorry if they aren't that nice lmao it's been 7 years and the software feels completely foreign to me. I was merely playing around and putting shiz together. Literally didn't even think through it and let my hand wander about lol




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They look very good
YuzuruH #2
nice ouo
Looks cool~ I wish I could be this productive when stressed out haha
They look very nice! I wish I had skills like yours!