Help Finding Story

Been such a long long time since I last posted something. 

I still want to write something but I still need some more time to make it possible haha. But this is not what I wanted to talk about in this blog post.

I'm desperate to find a Seulrene story with this following quotes,

- I’m not even going to try to define how I feel about you, because I refuse to let my thoughts go there. Not now and not ever.

- I tell myself that with enough effort, I can learn to control my feelings. But then she will do or say something or give me a look, and I can literally feel the part of my heart that belongs to her getting fuller. As much as I want it to empty. I’m worried that feelings are the one thing in our lives that we have absolutely no control over.

- And there in lies the problem. You should be able to screw whoever you want to screw, and I shouldn’t give a .”
She didn’t say, “I don’t give a .” She said, “I shouldn’t give a .”

- "Have you look at yourself in the mirror?" 

"Have you looked at the way you've been staring at me? Am i getting mixed signals or are you trying to avoid your feelings?" 

if you happen to know, please please please inform me.

Thank youuuu


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