New Story Theme Confirmed!

Here's the poster for my next story.

I'll start posting when Bubblegum B**CH! is closer to completion.

My next story is a TeukChul with some SiChul and HanChul throw in for drama / fun.

Here are a few posters:


Are you excited!!

I am!!


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franchcoffee #1
oh god!!! excitedddd
I'm very very very excited! Not just a new story of you, but it's Science Fiction as well! That can't be anything less than amazing!
83line!! Yes, I'm excited. (。♥‿♥。)
NICE! 83 LINER FIC! I'm so excited.
LeeAngel1004 #5
Can't wait ^^
I'm really looking forward to it!!!
I love Sci-Fi XD
Finally! A Sci-Fi fiction! Thank you!