Ani Youn Alwan by Rachel Tayza - Lyrics ( Myanglish / English Translation )

Ani Youn Alwan - Rachel Tayza ( Myanglish lyrics / English Translation

Ngar myin nay tar, woe ta war lar?

Am I seeing clearly? 

Di nan yan tway har, sa kar pyaw tet lar?

These walls, can they talk?

Ngar yuu twar tot ma lar? da za te ta za lar? 

Am I going crazy? Or going insane? 

Pya zat ta ku hmar, ka kyo pyat twar.

During a dancing puppet show, the strings broke.


Nin so tar har, ma kaung soe war lar?

Are you a monster? 

Ko htin tae' kha na, lu hmet khae tar

I thought you were a human for a while there.

Nga a hmar ta ku par, myat lone myar hmate htar 

It was my mistake. I closed my eyes. 

Nin tet khae tar, di late pyar myar 

You killed it all, the butterflies. 



A sate kyo myar nga ko chi naung htar 

Poisonous strings wraps around me

Dar so nin pyaw lar? dar har a chit tae lar?

Are you happy? Is this what they called love?

Nin pay tet apyar yaung eain mat myar

The blue dreams that you gave me,

Da za si pae kyway twar, ani youn alwan phyit twar 

All broke down to pieces, turned to a red yearning. 


A tet shu tan myar, nin pay khae tar

The sound of breathing, you gave them to me 

Bawa so tar nin a ga sar kywin ta ku lar? 

Is life a playground for you? 

Sate tway kha na, lay htae lwin kar htar 

Let my mind drift in the air

Myaw par twar, a hmite ta ku tae lar? 

Let it float, just like a piece of litter?


Na yi tway har, yet tant twar tar 

The clock stopped ticking

Nin so tar lae, ta kae ma shi khae tar lar? 

Did you really exist? 

Wut ta ku lar?  Htin yar sine kae tar lar?. 

Is this some kind of karma? Did you do everything as you pleased?

A chit so tar ka, nga yae mee ta ku lar? 

Is love a kind of hell fire? 



A sate kyo myar nga ko chi naung htar 

Poisonous strings wraps around me

Dar so nin pyaw lar? dar har a chit tae lar?

Are you happy? Is this what they called love?

Nin pay tet apyar yaung eain mat myar

The blue dreams that you gave me,

Da za si pae kyway twar, ani youn alwan phyit twar 

All broke down to pieces, turned to a red yearning. 


Tain tite myar lae, a lo lo a yay pyaw twar 

All the clouds melted by itself

Nin lote yet lay tar, han saung chin ta ku tae lar 

Was all that you did just a pretense?

Ma net khin myar, nay win chain tway yaut twar 

All the mornings turned into sunsets

A yar yar net hti pyit twar, dar har a chit tae lar?

Everything stopped existing, is this what they called love?


Nin pay tet apyar yaung eain mat myar

The blue dreams that you gave me,

Da za si pae kyway twar, ani youn alwan phyit twar 

All broke down to pieces, turned to a red yearning. 



 Hope you all enjoyed the song! It's a beautiful piece!


Lyrics from Music Video by Rachel Tayza @Youtube

Translated by: burmesesongs @asianfanfics

Note: Feel free to request songs for translation below! :)



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