
Writing practice i guess asdfghjkl i wanna continue this but not enough time rn ehhh

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Daisy was in the garden. 


Shaded by the brittle petals of the wilted rose bushes, lying in the middle of a dry flower bed.

Light eyes clouded with tears and strands of thin hair damp with tears. Baby soft skin criss-crossed by lines colored a deep vermillion, ever so slowly seeping out. Her wounds ached with every rustle and attempt to move she’d make. 


Surrounding thorns lightly touched her body, reminding her that if she dared to move it was there to make the pain worse. So there she laid, helplessly, refusing to get up.


Then along came Vera.


Vera was the newly hired gardener’s bright-eyed, quick-witted daughter.

She was only a couple of years old but she seemed far too mature to be so. She had just walked into the establishment’s garden, greeted by the sight of a girl weeping. The girl slowly and painfully turned to see the new arriver. Vera walked over to the flower bed, and held out a small hand. The other desperately grabbed onto the held out hand, her delicate bloody palms meeting Vera’s uneven rough ones. 


“I don’t know if I’m strong enough to pull you up by myself,” Vera informed the other.


“So you have to pull yourself up too.”


“But it hurts. So much.” Daisy’s small voice quietly spoke.


“But if you don’t try to get out I can’t help you.”


Daisy took a long moment, staring at the prickly thorns around her as she dwelled upon the stranger’s words. Then her gaze went back to the other girl as she spoke again.

“It’s still going to be hard, I’m still afraid of it hurting even more, but I’ll try.”


Vera smiled, “Great! On the count of three...”








And just like that Daisy tumbled out of the dead prickly bushes and onto the ground beside Vera. It took her a second to realize she was free, and quickly turned to look at the other in astonishment.


“Who are you...?”


Vera dusted off the dirt from her clothes, “I’m the new gardener’s daughter, Vera Vu, nice to meet you by the way! What’s your name?”


“Daisy... Just Daisy.” 


“That’s a really pretty name! Oh! We should go get you patched up.” Vera glanced at Daisy’s bloodied legs and arms.


“No!” Daisy pleaded. 




“Because the caretakers might  scold me for hurting myself!”


“No they won’t! They’d be concerned!”


Daisy sniffled, “You think so?”


“Yep, now come on, let’s go!”


After Daisy’s wounds were taken care of, the two girls spent the whole day in the garden, watching Vera’s mother tend to it and talking about themselves. Daisy felt the most happy she’d ever been, and Vera was glad to have a new friend.


When Vera came back two days later there were a bouquet of pink roses and daisies waiting for her at the front desk. She smiled as she read the neatly written note beside it.


Thank you

- Daisy


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not too bad, keep writing!