The Truth About My Hiatus

Hello readers!

Last year, I told you guys that Ill be back from my hiatus after submitting my applications, and I was able to submit them all along with my financial aid documents.

I believe that I can find the time to start updating again, but theres more of an emotional struggle for me than a physical struggle that exists.

Lately,I've just been feeling empty. I sit and do things wondering if there's any point in continuing. I just robotically go to school, do my work, and study, but in the end I just feel very lonely. I'm working hard and I have the ability to do it, but lately all I want to do is lay down and think for hours and hours.

I really want to write, and I'm kind of ashamed of myself for even thinking of discontinuing one of my stories. I feel that it's possible for me to overcome this dark and lonely place I'm in, and for that reason, I'm writing this blog post as a promise.

I might need more time, but I promise to continue with my stories. They really do mean a lot to me, and it's sometimes frustrating when there's such a convincing voice in my head telling me not to do the things I love. I wanted to spend time with my friends a few days ago, but I ended up lying to them that I couldn't go even though I wanted to. I wanted to smile while eating with my friend yesterday, but all I could do was space out. I don't want to abandon my stories in such a haste nor do I want to rush a sloppy chapter just for the sake of updates. But I do promise that I'll write for you all once again. I just didnt want to leave you hanging.


If you read this, thank you ❤ I feel a bit better writing out those feelings I had bottled up.


See you guys soon ❤❤❤



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Ohh :'( I understand some of what you're going through. I hope you get through this difficult time and know that I'm here if you ever need to just talk. Take care of yourself <3