I'm literally breaking into a million pieces

my heart, body and soul is completely shattering,

Everything is going to be dull, angry, stale and dark all over again that is my life.

my heart will be come numb.

my feelings none existancel

nothing and no one will make me happy again for I am already dead,

this is not a poem it's real life


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If you have any problems, feel free to share with me. All of us are here to support you, okay?
I'm sorry about everything going on, misfortune is never an easy fleet to conquer. Just know that people are around to support you, to listen to you, to be there for you. If you ever need an ear to listen, you can write to me. My message box is always open for you. I hope you feel better and that things turn for the better.
I will ask people to pray for you and your situation (I checked one of your replies to the comment and I heard about your niece).

God is there, and will never leave or forsake you and your niece.

There’s a man named Todd White on YouTube and I see the fire, love, and hope of God in his videos. Please do watch him.
Bb i hope you will heal soon <3 let go of whtever that's bothering you if possible
What happened?