
Hello, it's your gay author who's halfway through an update but I can't focus because something is on my mind.  

And welcome to the mind of your gross lesbian author.

Girls. Are. So. Cute. 

I mean really. 

Girls just...everything that girls are associated with? Pink. Cute. Pure.

And girls themselves are so soft and they smell like flowers 99% of the time and even when they sweat they're attractive. And they can go from being adorable and cute and loveable to being (I have no other way to describe this) HOT AS HELL in 0.2 seconds. Girls are so pure and important and I love girls so much. Like, if you're a girl, even if I don't personally know you, I am automatically going to care a lot about you.

Especially feminine girls who aren't ashamed to like pink and enjoy things like doing their nails and makeup and going shopping and being ULTRA FEMININE. 

I can't think anymore, like, girls. GIRLS. 

Girls are so cute and pretty and sweet and HELP. 

It's late and I should go to bed but here I am contemplating my existence and wondering what creature decided to make girls so soft and cute and heart-wrenchingly beautiful. Whoever decided this needs to stop because it HURTS MY HEART. 


Your Dumb Gay Lesbian Author


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Ahhhh this is so freaking relatable lmao, my crush doesn't know the stuff that she does to me even when she does the most simplest . I always feel smitten by her ;;
"Especially feminine girls who aren't ashamed to like pink and enjoy things like doing their nails and makeup and going shopping and being ULTRA FEMININE." - ... sounds a lot like my damn wife lololol
I agree, girls can be cute and loving... but they can be feisty and irritating like... wtf did i do this time?
from a woman married to another woman
Yuuuuki12 #3
Asian girls are mostly really hot too