[1.9.2018] i forgive you


i forgive you.


yet, you did the unthinkable.  you betrayed the person caring for you.  you made me think that person was the enemy.  you deceived me and the rest of us.  you hindered my sucess and hid me from the sunlight, the sunlight that i yearn for and crave.  you hid me from the world, so no one knew my name.  and when i finally left, you made me into the enemy.  you did all of these things, and what's worse is that you don't even know you committed these crimes.

however, i forgive you.

with this new year, i'm choosing forgiveness.  it's the only thing that can lighten my heart and the burden you put upon me all these years.  this is not only for you, but also for your family and the one child given to you as a miracle to stop your insanity, yet you trudged on and continued to ruin everything.  you nearly ruined everything for me.


but it's not about me.

it's not about me.

it's never about me, and will never be about me.


i will not choose to wish ill will upon you.  i hope your path remains blessed.  i hope your son grows up to be a good man.  i hope you will do well.  i hope you do not slander your own name as you did countless others.

i hope our paths never cross again, but if they do, i hope we can be able to greet each other cordially.




this is my final goodbye.



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It takes alot of courage to forgive someone. And you are doing it right . Someday everything will finally make sense. Stay strong. You are doing great there.