this is actually annoying

Ik I'm late but happy twenty gayteen

Gay and Lesbian Only Ask Meme

1. When did you realize you were gay/lesbian?

2. When did you first come out?

3. Who was the first person you came out to?

4. When do you first remember learning what gay and lesbian meant?

5. Who was the first gay person you met?

6. How old were you when you had your first gf/bf?

7. How old were you when you had your first kiss?

8. What are your favorite G words?

9. What are your favourite L words?

10. What’s your favorite color?

11. Gay guys- what do you like about guys? Lesbians- what do you like about girls?

12. What is your favorite gay or lesbian tv/movie character?

13. What is your favorite gay book/book character?

14. Who was your first celebrity crush?

15. Who is your favorite gay or lesbian actor?

16. Who/what is your favorite gay or lesbian singer/song?

17. Who is your favorite gay or lesbian politician?

18. Describe your ideal gf/bf

19. Describe your dream date

20. Describe a dream domestic situation with your dream gay significant other

21. Describe your current or last bf/husband/gf/wife

22. How many objects do you own with the pride flag on them? Describe them each

23. How many gay friends do you have? Describe them!

24. Have you ever had the opportunity to talk with a gay elder?

25. If you could talk to any gay person through history who would you talk to and what would you say/ask?

26. Have you ever had the chance to be in a gays only space, if so how did you feel? (gay club, library, youth center, etc.)

27. Have you ever been involved in any gay groups? (GSA, youth group, activist group, etc.)

28. What gay or lesbian stereotype(s) do you fit?

29. Are you femme/fem, butch/masc, or something else?

30. How many years have you attended pride? In which cities? With whom? How was it?


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