Airi here!

Hey guys ^^ well uhh I think I might as well tell you that this is Airi! LOL

Some of you may or may not know me :D but just to be quick, lovelyairi is my main account

I wonder if anyone recognized my writing style? Not too sure, but yeah this is me 

I mainly created this account as just, something away from the madness on my main aha

Although it's not like this anymore, I felt like I had a lot of eyes on me and I was a lil pressured, so I wanted an outlet 

I was going to continue to remain anonymous but I don't think it'll change much, I'll still keep writing my authour notes without my name but just a little tidbit for some of you ^^

Tbh I think Swimming Pools was very my style LOL my long time readers will know, yes I know your usernames and such ehe, thank you for supporting!

That's all I wanted to say really, take care everyone and happy new years~ <3

- Airi



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