Jane and Jane lol

Sometimes... like I only have me, myself, and I in this world... LIKE I don't really have people to talk to lol. This doesn't seem like a big deal, right? Yeah, our experiences are all different so you may not feel what I feel. I'm used to getting the loneliness overpowered, well if it isn't completely, it would still affect me in any other ways. Just do not talk to me only when I feel down and feeling so worn out. Pls talk to me more. more and more so I can stop from negatively thinking about myself. 

Okay. I should stop here. 


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oh hey, maybe we haven't really talked before but I’m always up for new friends, mhm? I hope you’re okay!
awwww babe <3 you have me alright? :*) anytime
Sweetie please, if you want to talk, you can message me (if you want to lol):D I'm always up for a conversation, tho I'm not sure if our time zones hit very well... But I won't turn you down if you're in the need to talk with someone^-^ And even if I can't be any help, I hope you'll find someone that can help and that you'll feel better soon<333