Messages to Jonghyun (mourning book)


Hello everyone

during our vigil in Antwerp Belgium we started writing our thoughts and words we wanted to convey into a book that will be send to south korea.

There is still space left so for those who want to convey their messages can go to the link below and kimjongkey will write them personally in the book.

This can be done anymously! 

This is for those who couldn't attend a meetnig and still want to somehow give a message through some kind of way 

More information can be found in the link

Kimjongkey, a fellow shawol who was also at the vigil today in Antwerp took the book home after we wrote our messages

So she will gather everything! 


Here is the link:


Stay well, take good care of yourself

It's okay to be sad

I have to admit that after this vigil, I somehow... can give everything a place

I still need time to put everything in order and my mourning will continue but I can look forward again to keep walking

Hoping you guys will also be able to do this!




Love, GoldenAngelFeather 


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