If you read


The news regarding Jonghyun, shooked the entire K-pop Community. The cause of his death : depression.  

Depression has no face. A person can be smilling so brightly as though he/she have everything they wanted but on the inside, is broken to pieces. So broken to the point that the person thinks suicide is the only way out. 

But no. Suicide is never the answer to anything. You have a choice to live so please, choose to live. Even if you are hurting, there will be a day where all your paim heals and blessings and happiness will come. Hang on to that hope and keep on trying. Even if it takes years, hang on. The day where true happiness will come. Stay strong because that the strongest power which is given to you. 

Everyone have their own battle. Reach out to the ones who needs it. Hear their voices. Hear their pain. Even if you got no words of comfort, being there and listening is already a form of comfort. 

The words " You did well."   Is such a strong words which is enough to actually give strength. 

Do not ever hesitate to give words of encouragment to anyone you met because everyone deserves to hear that they are truly doing great in life. 

Do not hesitate to spread love, care to anyone you met. Because, maybe, thats just what they need to continue on living. 

Stop treating someone with depression as a disease but actually help them. Help them  fight through it. Help them see that they are love. No matter how tough the journey will be, never let go of their hands. Never leave them alone. 

When someone is sick, help. When someone is crying, help. When someone is in pain, help. 

Help, help, help. 

Remember, depression has no face. Do what you can to reach out and help.  

National Suicide Prevention :  1-800-273-8255

If you read this, thank you.




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