Having horrible nightmares almost every night. What should I do?

So for the past couple of weeks..(actually this whole year with a few breaks) I been having the most scariest and horrible nightmares in my whole life. Most of my nightmares involve a monster, a killer from a movie and even KPOP IDOLS  trying to kill me or torture me. I have no idea what is causing this, I have had two people tell me it's because of all the scary stuff I look at but horror is my life. I grew up watching scary movies, playing scary games and reading scary stories and etc. These things rarely ever scare me so I don't feel like it's that but I dunno. It's getting so bad that my sleep scedule is all messed up. I wake up at like midnight or 1am and then  I stay up all night and day until i pass out around 6-7 o'clock then rinse and repeat. I do not even eat dinner anymore and I am usually tired all day unless I drink a lot of my tea and remember to take my iron pills. Yesterday I didn't look at any scary stuff...wait CRAP I FORGOT I looked at that weird literature club game...crap...see i am so bad ahhhhh how do I even avoid horror?


Does anyone have advice? Should I give up horror? Is this possibly stress? Is my dreams warning me about a possible killer actually coming for my life or am I just plain crazy?


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I’m also a horror & thriller addict. There were some times I dreamt about those genre and I was scared af. My advice would be, reduce reading or watching horror or the similar genre. And in my case, I listen to some worship songs, pray, and goes to sleep peacefully these days. You can listen to some calming songs/instruments on YT if you want :D