Beautiful Creatures Application

Your Username:


Your Character Name:


Your Character’s Nickname:


Date of Birth:




(Ulzzang Name) Your Appearance Link:


Family Member(s) (Dead or Alive):


Your History:


Your Personality:


Are You Chic/Punk/Gothic/Geek/Jock/Tomboy/Normal Girl styles?:


Your 5 List of Likes:


Your 5 List of Dislikes:


Your Biggest Pet-Peeve:


The scientists took you in the experiment lab:





Your Ability:


Your Symbol of Tattoo (NEED PICTURE link):

Your Experimental Code Name (Relate the Symbol basically and Why?):


Love Interest:


Love Triangle (If Yes; Who, Which Band, and Why/ If No; Type NOPE):



GOT7 Love Interest

JB (available)

Mark (available)

Jackson (available)

Jinyoung (available)

Youngjae (available)

Bambam (available)

Yugyeom (available)


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