Advice on plot/writing?

Ok so recently I have been really bugged by these these fanfic ideas and I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO LIKE-

There's one with a dark, mafia sorta thing which I plan to make M-rated but I don't like cursing and i can't write so imma have to figure my way round that while still maintaining the feel idk man idk

Anyway, there are a few questions I would like to ask, what perks ppl’s interest and what is just a absolute turnoff. This is for the mafia thingmading ff

1. Would you prefer the story if the OC/ main character lives or would you rather it stay realistic where OC might potentially die?

2. Do you think cliche openings such as oc bumping into a top secret meeting and therefore has to either be recruited into mafia or killed off / parents are secretly involved in black market business are turnoffs for you? If yes, what do you wish to see in a mafia story that you really want to see but can’t find in other fanfics?

That's all the questions I have for now. I would really love to get advice and opinions on this aspect, because the people I can ask around me physically are pretty limited, so I thought this platform is a really good place to ask questions and such.

Oh yeah, also, do you guys post your fanfics/stories on others platforms like AO3, Wattpad, Quotev etc? Do you prefer them to AFF or vice versa? I have been thinking of posting my ff on other platforms, but I don’t know which is better, so I would like your opinion on that as well.

AThanks in advance!


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You don't need or cursing for an M-rating, it's absolutely possible to write a dark story without either of the two. The dark mood is created by everything but cursing and having . Just .. wanted to say that because seriously, none of those two are needed for a dark story.
Go with what you want to write. Trying to please people on this platform is stressful and you'll never win. It's full of babies who never know what they want and complain at everything @_@ so just write what YOU want to write.
Drowning- #3
1.Shall depend on what genre you're writing angst or fluff basically
2.I personally don't mind
Aff is my preference but AO3 is okay with me too