Posting my post-mortem of Shilla Beauty Concert.

This represents my Shilla SHINee experience perfectly.


You may ask, "What in the world are those things?" Ok. The poster is the Jinki project. "We will be the light in your anxious nights." This and a lot of other good stuff were given away by SG Shawols and other fansites. I even got to experience fangirling to a different level (Imagine arriving at Changi Terminal 2 at 1 am and then jumping onto a shuttle to Terminal 4 to wait until 6 am (yep, on the day of the concert. Sleep is for the weak.) for them to arrive, crowding the arrival gate along with the cannon gods and goddesses for a glimpse of them, only to be told by one fansite that they used a VIP exit, furtively following the coordi-noonas and manager-hyungs to see whether they'd lead us somewhere good). It was a fun experience, even though we never got to see them guys up close. Thank you to the LuvlikeSHINee group, esp Siti and Joey and lilvivfreak and the others I got to chat with despite not knowing their names. And the Anello girl, I saw you at an ice cream shop earlier near Katong V. If you noticed me, I'm sorry that I didn't get to say hi; if you didnt, still, hi. I thought I recognized your voice, but I only became sure it was you when I saw chibi Onelmo and your Anello bag when you started talking about the concert. A belated shoutout!


"What in the world is that orange dot?" Yeah, that's an M&M. I went to the concert with a 17-yo RV fanboy who bought the other half of my ticket. The deal was, we'd be separating after we entered the concert hall. But yeah. As it turned out, the kid became hypoglycemic. Blank look, cold sweats and all. Like, one poke and "timbeeeeeer." Right as the boys were entering for the second set. So I took the boy to the back of the standing pen where he could get some air and force-fed him candy. Thank goodness I had the m&m pack that I bought with the Snickers I munched on before the concert. The change was a blessing in disguise, because I was getting rather pissed at all the cameras blocking my line of vision at the pit. I got an unobstructed view of Kibum's beauty from 30 meters away from the stage, instead of 10 meters away with the bleeding cameras blocking my vision. Yep. And I wasn't to get a single photo of SHiNee on my phone, except for this. Because of that.



Livestreaming for my fellow Iskawols and other Shawol mutuals was fun. I'm sorry, guys, you got an earful of screams, messed up lyrics, and colorful language from me. -.-' I actually could see the girl in front of me blocking her ears. Lol. But hey, I got to scream "I love you, Kim Kibum." And I could have sworn Key looked my way because I had my phone under my face as I was broadcasting. You know, flashlight up the face effect because I was tweeting while streaming, as opposed to having the cameras pointed at them. Lol. Like, "What the was that, a ghost? Singing along to 재연?" 


I did not have the same PCD as that after One K. I mean, I wasn't able to process the experience the way I usually do. Maybe it was being in a foreign country. Maybe it was the lack of my usual Kpop fangirling bff. But I only barely registered how good they looked (Not Kibum, though. I always process how ing unreal unreal he looks. Always.) Apparently Jjong went flat on some parts, Taemin had issues in some lines. Ask Fritzie: I'm usually make a comment about these things (Minho, tho. O.o get those falsettos, boy. And Kibum's upper harms. O.o) Yeah, so I noticed less than I usually do. But for some reason, I felt like I wasn't totally there. 


Until An Encore started playing. I suddenly felt angry, somehow. I've seen and heard live how this should have been performed. It felt wrong. 


Then the tears started falling as I was singing along to the chorus after the bridge. 


Jinki was supposed to be there. He wasn't. . 



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I wish I could've gone, I wish Onew had been there too, *sigh* Thanks so much for sharing!!
Thank goodness they didn’t sing An Ode to You. The streamers would probably have heard wailing on top of everything else. T_T