Everyday's everyday

Sun's up. New day. But.

Its the same day. Over and over again. I'm a stay-at-home mom. I get up, I'll have  breakfast, I'll clean up some, and decide between getting back in bed with the Kiddo or staying up and using the quiet to write a bit.

Kiddo wakes up, he has breakfast, we'll play and mess around till Dad comes home in the early afternoon (he's a teacher, so he gets home around 1). We have some family time, Dad and Kiddo take a nap, I watch an episode of some series, and then I get to dinner. 

Kiddo and Dad wakes up, we have dinner, and its back to tidying up (cause having a one year old means the house is always in a state of 'not dirty but stuff's always lying around.'

And to bed.

Wash, Rinse, Repeat.


I complain right now, that I want to go and work. But once I get that, I'll complain that I never have time for anything anymore. Probably.

I wish I saw the glass as half full. I wish I could just be content and stop looking at the grass on the other side.

But. Meh.


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Don't ever give up. Life is very beautiful.. Live your life to the fullest. Try to find happiness in small things. Then you will be super happy.
Hwaiting! I felt like this too! But I think that if you find your motivation of someone or something, you'll continue to anticipate for the next and the next day. If not, you should find things in your day that has made you happy and grateful and remember each day was another experience and a memory or even do crafts and arts!