A secret I'd love to share

Here it is, my dearests!


The secrets I will tell you! (It's nothing too much really, so you can just stop reading here if it bores you. Sorry)


These are actually my biggest flaws, and the ones that make me... er... different? Yeah.


(It's a list of mental things about me, trust me)


Okay, so I have Anxiety — and it's hard to do things without feeling like something would go wrong, even if there is nothing to go wrong. OCD — not really that much since I can still hold myself but seriously, I can't stand unsymmetrical things. Everything HAS to be an even number and I have to follow a certain pattern... and it . The only odd thing I love is my favorite number – three. Bipolar disorder — that pretty much sums up myself... mostly. Depression — a very concerning one, honestly. To those who know about my current condition (you know who you are, and I love all of you. Thank you) I'm very sorry to tell you this but this depression has worsened to the point I have scars all over my wrist. The pain is quite addicting though. 


(I need serious help, I know but... Anxiety, remember? I'm scared a lot)


For the good (?) part, though, I just discovered something about myself. Again!


I'm genderfluid, but I don't feel very masculine so I stick to my feminine side. But give me a dress and let me wear that I will not hesitate to wear a a boy's clothes rather than that. Seriously, I grew up wearing pants before I wore shorts. I'm also Biual — damn, how do those things collide, what the heck, so no more explanations needed.


That's that.


I have a messed up life, I know. The voices in my head told me so, but it's all okay.


Updates later! Bye! 


(Update: I'm a Maladaptive daydreamer)


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ZDK358 #2
Sorry to hear that.... I didn't expect that you were like this.... But don't worry you have aff to release your tension. I'm here too ^^