where she went (folding story game, fold 1)

There once was a girl who pulled on a wagon. She carried a dolly and a tin box full of biscuits. Her mum let her wander for hours on end, and she always returned with her face smudged with dirt. One day her mum asked, as polite as could be, "my dear where've you been? Who've you seen, why'd you leave?" 

And little Sinb would smile with her pointy, impish teeth, that she had simply gone to the woods to consult with the trees. Her mum would nod, primp and proper was she, as her hands shook behind her, clasped so tightly, a sight to see.



Are you familiar with the website foldingstory? Have you played a game with a group of friends where you each offered up one word to create one whole (usually incoherent or hilariously coherent) story? This is what this is.

Let's create a short story together in the spirit of Halloween! Add any character you want, add some twists, some backstory, whatever you want!

BUT REMEMBER: you get ten sentences max, one sentence min. The story ends when someone ends their fold with, "The End". You cannot add to the story again once you have done so once. Please include the subsequent folds with your contributed post.

When folding your part of a story, title the blog post with "where she went (folding story game, fold ___)". The fold number will depend on where you are in the queue. For example, the person adding to the story right after me would be "fold 2".

Let's see where this story takes us!

Please repost these rules with your blog post!



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