Ruined day ...

Holla fellas ...

Today is my ruin day!

What a day in my life huh!

I don't know what should I do!

Where should I share my problems!

Who should I trust!

How do you feel when you're being a really good friends to your best friend and others but what do you get after those kindness of your is a piece of !

They leaving you one by one when they're happy but when they're sad and have a problems you're the first person they will find!

How should I react with those fake friends? 

Should I be fake too by treating them like usual?


should I take a leave and enjoy by myself?

I'm hoping one day they will realize that I always there by their side everytime they're sad either happy.

This is what friends for right? Be together in their happy and sad life but they will never appreciate your kindness.



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My friend, you are not alone in this situation. I think there's a lot of us in this world. Don't worry you will eventually can find a friend that will truly deserve of your worth. I always told myself: 'learn how to live by yourself, because it's not everytime, you always have a companion.' Although I always set my mind like that, it's still hurt when I got ignored.. lmao.. but i think thats life. Nothing is forever, nothing is permanent.

As to your questions above. Listen to and follow your heart. You deserve also to be happy, so move on and do whatever it is that make you happy. Don't be stucked to the people that didn't even deserved your friendship.