A theory on a theory? #LoveWhisperIsKanakoTakatsukiFantasies

Haha hi so Gfriend recently released Love Whisper and also I attended a live viewing of Aqours' Happy Party Train live concert and officially fell for Kanako Takatsuki haha. Also a Youtuber released his theory on the MV and you should probably watch it cuz this is what this post is gna be about.


haha so basically the lyrics represent what I would say to Kanako if I had the chance to meet her and my feelings towards her lol

"I can't express my heart" - I'll prob be dumbfounded if Kanako and I stood face to face. 

"The song we listened to together" - I listen to Aqours songs everyday and I sang along while they were performing at the live.

"On a day when sweat beads fall" I was jumping like a bunny on weed at the live viewing (and collided with the chair and wall so many times that I got bruises the next day #noregrets) until I sweated even though the cinema was practically 0 degrees. 

"I can hear it anywhere if I listen carefully, I'll open my ears to your trust in me" - I may not ever be able to express my feelings to Kanako personally and properly, but I still want to try my best to and I hope she will "hear" it. 

"I'll never forget your voice and our story" - This is more related to Love Live Sunshine anime, where for those who don't know, Kanako voices Hanamaru Kunikida, than the live viewing, but I'll never forget how hard the 2D Aqours worked to turn 0 to 1, and relating to that, how hard 3D Aqours worked for their 2nd Live. 

"I think about you all day" - self explanatory

"I'll send my heart to you in the clouds" - A cloud is made of uncountable water droplets, and I'm only one of Aqours' uncountable fans. However, I believe that even if Kanako can't feel my love for her as an individual, she can still feel my love for her with other Aqours fans collectively. 

okay this is pretty much it hehe because after this is the chorus again haha 

P. S I'm writing a fic of Kanako rn and omg it's so light and fluffy compared to what I used to write? Before I joined aff I wrote about stalking people and I was still writing stuff similar to my Grace fic (originally posted on 16/01/16 but the date got updated cuz idky I edited it a year later) at the beginning of this year. I honestly don't know what happened either 

Kthxbye :) 



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