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Hey everyone! I’m doing supernatural research for my college writing class, and it would be great if you could help me record any experiences you’ve had. Thank you so much!


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well it is not me but my cousin. We re quite close hence it is only 2 years gap between us. It happened when she was 16 like at the end of the year. She talked to me and said that sometimes she saw things...Im not sure what it is but it is things like apparition on someone. It is still ok but until the next year. She was 17 and almost at the end of the becomes worse. She sometimes laughing by herself and she grinds her teeth too! She had to halt her studies. 2 years my aunt family tried to treat her. When she was ok...she told me that she always heard someone talking to her.

Once it happens that 'the things' (can I called them satan instead?) took control of her body. I saw it. Her voice becomes hoarse like an old male. She speaks gibberish to me and kind of like old language. Even her 2 of her older brothers cant beat her strength.

It is only recently that...she becomes ok. Not great all well but...she seems fine and nothing happen to her since then. tooks toll on her health. Her mental state kind of deteriorate. She barely can speak and remember things not until last year. She is 21 years old now.

I have actually saw and heard quite a lot and true story related to all the supernatural things.But...It didnt happen to me instead happen to other people.

That is one of the occurence of supernatural closest to me.