
This is probably not the time or place for a post like this. But I have a thought if you will, and I guess I want feedback or another opinion or someone to just hear me out.

So I went on a date with this guy. We met on a bus to this grocery store. (Long story short, my college had this event where they were giving away free samples and having sales at a local grocery and they bused us there and back) I sat next to him because the bus was full and there weren't a lot of seats open. We started talking casually and I asked him for his snapchat. I didn't think anything of it really. Meeting new cool people is always fun. He asked me over snapchat to hang out about a week later. And then two days ago we hung out again. And fast forward to today we went on a "date" to a sushi place and he paid. 

 He seems like a cool dude. We traveled all over Europe this past summer with his mom and he doesn't think I'm weird for listening to Kpop. But the thing is he's kinda short. He's either my height or slightly taller than me. 

And one other thing...

He's white.

I think most of you know this but I'm Black. I've only ever dated and had with Black men. I've never been in a serious relationship with a white man. I've only been in one serious relationship in general. And I'm not sure if he's ever dated a Black woman.

I just don't know what to do.

He's a super chill person but he's white. I keep thinking about how it might be a problem in the future. I don't have a problem with white people but the cultural differences... meeting his white friends... him meeting my black friends... 

I'm also a pretty pro black person. I like to speak up about Black issues. Will he be okay with that? Will his family be ok with that?

Oh and we kissed... with tongue.

It was nice. I haven't kissed anyone in months and it felt nice but what does this mean!! Are we dating? Are we just talking? Do I even want to enter a relationship with a white man? Will I be a bad person for friend zoning him just because he's white? 

Someone Help!!

Has anyone reading this ever been in an relationship?? What are you guys' races? How did it turn out? I need all the info I can get because I'm so conflicted right now.

Life can be so weird sometimes.

P.S. my mom would be cool with me dating a white guy. My family might tease me about it but they will accept our relationship if we decide to pursue it.



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I really don't see how that's a really big problem. I mean, yes of course the cultural differences might be a bit hard to adapt, but at the end it's all going to be worth it if you both really like each other and want to continue the relationship. I'm Asian by the way. And though I've never really dated (seriously), because I have still not found the right guy who understands me, I do have my fair share of experiences. And if there's one advice I'd give you, it's to not over think things and just give in if your hearts says so. Don't regret it later, because you never tried in the first place. Just kind of like, go with the flow...
race doesn't matter to me, really. i've dated a white man before, and he doesn't really mind that i'm asian. he also told me that he's dated a black woman before. as long as you guys have the chemistry and you like him, then go for it! don't let race and all those stuffs get between you guys. if you feel uncomfortable, then talk to him about this issue. communication is the key to a successful relationship. good luck, all the best for you!
Honestly, it would bother me so so so much if someone decided I wasn't worthy of dating because I'm white. I would really feel worthless and maybe also develop slight issues with people of that color. I know it sounds hypocritical and that one shouldn't judge or generalize but I really am that petty and it would really bother me. "Hey, I think you're cool and we have a fun time and I might like you but you're white so let's stay friends". Man, my anger and pettyness would know no limit.

I mean, sure, cultural differences may exist but if you're in it and you like him and he likes you, you'll overcome those. Will he be okay with you speaking up on black rights? Well, I guess that depends on how you talk. Imagine how many things he could learn from you! Maybe he wants to learn all these things and expand his horizon. Maybe he considers you worthy of trying to make this work. So are you really stalling because of his skin color?
I don't know, girl, but it doesn't sit right with me. I have never been in an relationship, though. But if you truly think you like him, you would be able to work out your cultural differences.
I dont think race is an issue. However you both have got to be really sure and talk things out so that in future they will not be any problem due to the cultural difference and etc. His opinion and your opinion needs to blend together. All the best to you :)