Character survey!

So my friend undergroundmuses aka Jen did this a while ago and I've been wanting to do this too also. I've been kinda on a hiatus so this is like a soft comeback. Tagging all my writer friends!! I will be writing about my stories The Universe Collided and Capi Per Somnium...spoilers ahead if you haven't read it yet!


Favorite Character to write:
It has to be Baby Jisoo and Jungkook from Capi Per Somnium, they're adorable siblings and Jisoo is kinda based off of how I was as a kid, so it brings back memories whenever I write about them. (CPS readers, new chapters are coming soon!!)

LEAST Favorite Character to write:
Oooo um... Taeyong from The Universe Collided, I wanted his character to have depth and not just be a stereotypical angry guy, I mean really I tried to not make any of my characters stereotypical but his character was the hardest to write. I gave the guy too much emotional baggage.

Happiest Character:

hmm...Dalgom from The Universe Collided? lol he got a new home! also maybe Lisa and Ten too.

Saddest Character:

Jungkook in CPS but only for a while 

Most Angry Character:
Taeyong, boy is emo af

Most Selfish Character:


Most Optimistic Character:

Jungkook from TUC or... Doyoung!!

Character that made me the saddest:

Hmm this is going to sound strange to the readers of TUC but Elm and Willow made me sad, you guys probably don't even remember them but them and Juniper and BamBam. Also Jaewon from the sequel. 

Favorite Pairing:

TAEHYUNG AND JISOO!! omg ok so before starting TUC I didn't even know this ship was a thing, I had never seen any moments from them irl but when I started writing about them as characters they just clicked in my head and they're hot as hell and cute and i love them! 

LEAST Favorite pairing:

I love them all but probably Jennie and Taeyong from The Universe Collided because they're both so stubborn, like get together already!!

Easiest Character to Kill:

Ummm don't know if this counts but the monsters from The Universe Collided?

Most Evil Character:

Jae to the Bum... he's gonna be back for the sequel and ya'll better be prepared

Most Written About Character:

Rosé maybe? I tried to be fair to everyone but unfortunately some characters weren't written about as much as others.

Most Complex Character:

Lisa I think from TUC or Irene and Rosé from CPS

Character I Really Wanted To Die:


Character I Really Didn't Want To Die:

No one really, that sounds heartless but I usually try not to kill my  characters but those who died couldn't really avoid it.

Pairing I Wanted But Never Wrote In:

I wanted to bring in more of MomoxSana, I briefly mention them in TUC or like any RedVelvet pairs
Funniest character:
Doyoung in TUC or Pasta and Kuma!

Smartest character:
Taehyung from TUC! Wendy from CPS! Most of my characters are smart but these two are the smartest.

Stupidest/silliest character:
Kuma and Pasta from The Universe Collided

Kindest character:

Jungkook and Rosé from The Universe Collided

Most pessimistic character:
Yoongi from TUC lol

Most memorable character:

Bada maybe I have a lot of backstory about her and she was kinda like the catalyst for the whole story of TUC.
Most loved character (either by other characters/readers):
characters -
The four girls have a pretty good bond going on so they love each other the most.

readers: hmm, well when I made that one poll the answer was Rosé but idk you guys let me know?

Most hated character (either by other characters/readers):
characters - ...
you guys tell me, i have no idea

Most realistic character:
Jennie from TUC

Most unique/strange character:
Ok it's going to be Jinsoul from The Next Generation but you guys haven't met her yet!

Scene stealer(not main character but steal the limelight):
Kang Daniel, he was only there for a few chapters but I think he stole some spotlight.

Character/Pairing that deserve different ending/fate:
i don't have any on mind, let me know if you guys can think of any.

Characters from different fics that should be crosspaired into a fic:
None as of yet.

The character you'd love to have around in your life for real:

This is weird but I would love to have Wendy and Irene as my moms...

Easiest Character to Write:
Rosé from TUC or Jisoo from CPS




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