Hurricane Info!

Hello everyone!

If you haven't heard, the state of Texas and Louisiana are being affected by Hurricane Harvey. As someone who is local in these areas, I want to do what I can to help out to the less lucky.

Lots of people are struggling and many are at a loss, so I hope to provide some information to help out! Please pass this along to fellow friends and family who you know of might need this or just share this to get more info out to those in need!

Let's help each other get everyone back on their feet ^^♥!!


Note: This is VERY important to know for your safety! During these times, people will take all the advantages they can, meaning people will steal from your homes, your families, and you! Please be wary of your surroundings and of potential danger. It is also very hazardous to be out while some places still do not have electricity. Your safety is very important to me, your families, your friends, and I'm sure many people here >~


HOSPITALS AND PHARMACIES AND SHELTERS:  If you do not have a landline, let me provide some info that was provided in the emergency call. Hospitals will be open to new patients starting on Thursday. Please note that hospitals are already full and if possible and if they are open, I recommend going to your local ER, Urgent Care, 24/7 Emergency Centers, they will take you. Some shelters will also be taking in patients, but I do not have knowledge as to which, they also do not have numbers to call. If injuries are series, please still go to the hospital.

I have family and friends both in the medical field and police departments, and I am also studying to become a doctor, so if you have any questions please feel free to PM me. I will do what I can to help within my capabilities.


Please keep in mind that stores stocks and hours vary from location. This is info that I have collected over the internet and from in-person experience.

KROGER HOURS: Open at 9AM. Close at curfew, 10PM.

WAL-MART: Close at 7PM. Most open at 6AM or at 9AM.

To my knowledge, Wal-Mart, HEB, Fiesta, Kroger and some Whole Foods, are open! I have gone myself to survey how bad the stores are and to see their stocks.

Most big chain stores, businesses, and gas stations will be open starting on Thursday, August 31.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Most stores that are near highways are PACKED AND OVERFILLED. They have lines going around the OUTSIDE of the store! If possible, please avoid these as they will obviously not have stock! Drive to another one a mile away. Most Wal-Marts and Krogers aren't too far apart, it will be worth the drive and your time than waiting in those lines.

Stores not near highways have shorter lines or no lines at all nor have anyone fighting each other for products nor is there dangerous activity such as kidnapping or theft!


Below is the list of groceries I have noted while going around stores!

Water: There is NO MORE WATER  unless you buy sparkling water or flavored water. There are still some stocks at both Wal-Mart and Kroger.

Bread: There is no more brand bread in aisles except for a few such as tortillas or some bagels. You have better luck finding bread in the bakeries since stores will not be able to stock as fast! I have found out there are still a lot of pastries and cakes in the bakeries.

Milk and Other Dairy: MOST DAIRY PRODUCTS ARE SOLD OUT. I visited Wal-Mart and Kroger, the most you can find is maybe some milk gallons from local farms, that's it if you are even lucky to see them at all. You will have better luck at Krogers because they are rationing them as LIMIT 2 PER FAMILY vs Wal-Mart where it is a free-for-all. As for cheese and yogurt, there is still plenty stocked with a variety of brands and flavors!

Canned Goods: There are still A LOT of both canned vegetables and canned fruits. To my knowledge, none of them are sold out. Please take advantage of these while they still have them. The preservatives in them will keep them lasting longer than getting fresh fruit or baked goods.

Chips: Sold out.

Chocolates/Candies: Still many in stock with a variety!

Toilet Paper/Tissue Paper: Still in stock with a variety! Please get your necessities while these are still in stock!

Pads/Tampons/Diapers: Still in stock for all, but not heavily. Please buy your necessities while they are still available.

Paper Plates/Plastic Silverware: Still abundant!


Other help:

  • AT&T has sent a message that they will not be billing anyone for overage on data or minutes until Sept 1, 2017.
  • Facebook is accepting donations
  • FEMA is accepting donations, preferably cash for easier distribution. They are also accepting volunteers to help the community.
  • There are lots of organizations volunteering to help out! So far I have seen them in BLUE t-shirts that say something relating to this disaster in white print
  • If you were affected by Hurricane Harvey, there is a National Flood Insurance Program that you may want to look into for your loss of homes and/or possessions. I do not know much on this, however.

If you have further questions or comments please do not be afraid to post it below or to PM me.

I pray/wish/hope everyone stays safe and heals ♥


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I hope all people in the affected area will be save, i pray for you all
Actually, the curfew is from midnight (12) not 10. Or at least it's like that in the city I reside and Foodtown has their doors opened and has had it for the past couple of days till 5pm. Don't know if it'll change in certain areas.
God Debaekyeol