I'm really out of options

I've literally tried everything to get through and find answers. At this rate I would take anything but nothing is working and most things take up to a month to even get answers. It's annoying and saddening. I'm depressed and I just wish I had a friend I could stay with till I could get back on my feet. I need the support my family didn't give me. 


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I'm here for you...
Forgive me if I sound like I'm ranting....but here I go.
I know I'm not in a position to say this, as I don't know you well, but I just wanted to say something.
Also, I know I can't be of much help, but I hope this message makes you happier...Everyone is special and different. Remember that you are precious, and that people love you... Remember to never lose hope, because like I said everyone is uniquely beautiful, if people don't like you then they have a problem, you are not at fault. Remember that it's okay to cry, not crying when you want to cry is a weakness, sometimes crying a signal of strength, a signal that you are not afraid to show your vulnerabilities. I hope you know that we are not on this earth to see through one another but to see one another through. Also, know that when all of this is over, I'll still be here rooting for you. It's okay to feel unhappy... I hope you know that you can lean on people's shoulders, it is perfectly fine to. While I don't know how you feel, I offer you my time and compassion, and also I'm not going to stop being your friend or something. You're unique... And people will accept you, so don't be afraid to fail, it's okay to. Perhaps, you can find somewhere to stay temporarily, and maybe try to find a job....like maybe as a cashier or something, the minimum wage in the united states is around 11 dollars per hour...I think. I'm always here for you! Never lose faith and hope!