Jiyongie bestowed me with the best birthday gift today ("Seungri-yah, where in the world are you? What are you doing? I miss you!") and I'm really happyy!!! Ahahaha! Anyway, here's my gift to you guys which I drew a while ago :)

Have a fabulous day, guys~~ <333


Officially legal.......... to drive, I mean *cough*


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Omgg im sorry I missed it but happy belated bday!!! ❤ the drawing is so cutee. https://twitter.com/YongieMystic/status/891155480466345985 it continues hahah. the lowkey flirting over insta omg, what is this lmao. Jiyong wants his attention so badly lmao. And seungri's such a damn tease. But fr, i hope they meet up soon, jiyong really misses his maknae ❤ ❤ I hope all of BB can meet up soon too :')
Happy birthday for yesterday, hope you had a wonderful day ❤
First seungri oppa, now I miss you, what's next, I wonder? AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! I hope you will have a great day and a great year <3
Reishel #4
For all nyongtorys was the best day in a long period (^o^)^_^
Mahandariwungu #5
Happy birthday dear charlene.. *kiss kiss
yanyanwitch #6
So cute!!! Draw moreee!
And omg I saw that too and my heart just dropped on the floor nevermind picking it up haha they're coming out slowlyyyyyy my heart just can't asdfgjkl! XD
Happy birthday Charlene!! :)) Stay fab! :D Enjoy your day.