Whats your opinion on writers? How much do you want to know about your favorite writers?

A lot of the time writers include things that are going on in their life in their A/Ns and stuff and that's cool and all but... sometimes it takes away from the reading experience for me. 

I read a story, I like the story and I'm interested but when the writer starts telling me about themselves and their difficulties or their personal relation to the story line then it takes the mysterious and/or magical factor away from my reading. 

Sometimes I become good friends with authors I like and we'll start talking on Line or Pms or elsewhere, and sometimes they'll ask me for help on where the story should go. I really appreciate that they look at me for help but the more I help and the more I know about the person who wrote or is writing the story I'm rereading, the more it breaks the fantasy world of the story I'm reading 

.....did that make any sense to you? I hope I did a good job in explaining what I mean ><

Although on the flip side It's interesting to get to know the author if that person is a interesting person or they have a interesting quality or I can relate to them in a special way, that ads to the reading experience for me BUT when they start to talk about the struggles of writing or how hard it was to write that one a scene or whatever, it takes the magic away from the scene. Cuz like, if they didn't tell me it was difficult for them to write it, it takes the magic away from the scene...again it might look like I'm making no scene I'm sorry lol

What's your opinion on this topic? Do you like to get to know all the good and bad things about the writer plus more about them as a person to add to your reading experience?

Do you like to keep distance from the actual writer and read the story with information you only get from the story itself?

Ps.I get a lot of spoilers when I chap with the authors XD I guess that's a plus point 


I know I can just not read the A/N sop don't gimme a hate comment lol, this blog is just to share my opinion with you guys and see what you think ^^

C​​​​​omment your thoughts below! <3


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neonflowers #1
Yes yes this is EXACTLY why I try to never ever ever ask my readers' help for the storyline like wtf that's my job their job is to sit down, enjoy it, and pitch in feedback HAHA I also think asking for continuous help from your readers is just (ahem) stupid because like

Idk if I were the reader I'd feel so cheated. Kinda like, you don't know what you're doing next?! Wtf.

I totally agree about not rambling about how hard it is to write a scene tbh. I've done it, ok, I'm guilty, because sometimes like I'M JUST SO FRUSTRATED but I try to keep it at the minimum. Now that you brought up how it takes some of the magic away from the reader's POV, I'm gonna wipe that habit out completely!

As an author I don't know whether my readers want to know me more or not but I personally like sharing and connecting with them so sometimes I share random tidbits about my life that I think is worth telling. It sometimes results in them talking about their days back and that's fun HAHAHA
Vict68 #2
So you prefer story without a/n?
Even print books usually there's a/n. I think it's for readers that might have curiousity about the writer or about the story process. But of course up to the readers to read that or not.
I love getting friends and that doesn't take away anything, I love talking about stories with my friends. But I never read the A/N's because they're usually so irrelevant and just a waste of space lmao
When I was in school my friend used to write stories and personally wrote them out for me. She even used to call me on the phone to read it, but she used to ask my advice on how the next scene should transpire and it killed the pazazz:( but i continued reading the stories even though I knew what happened next.
YuzuruH #5
i personally think that a/n are annoying lol. i usually just dont read it