dear writers,

thank you for the time you spend writing your stories.
some people may not show one's gratefulness, but i do hope you're aware that your writing may change one's way of thinking and way of living which honestly is such an impressive and utterly astonishing act.
at times it may seem pointless writing because your story isn't getting the attention and love it truly deserves but the day will come when it well get all that it was worth if not even more. so don't worry too much and keep writing, as long as it makes you happy of course,
don't write if it doesn't. doing something because you're being forced to or doing something that you once loved but is now starting to feel like a chore, don't overdo it, the spark that was ignited once you started writing might disappear.
someone once said we are happiest when doing something we love, forcing ourselves to do something we once loved sometimes does more damage than good. one can lose its inspiration and become sad, depressed even, both your mental and physical health should be first...always
that last message applies to everything, not only writing, don't force yourself to do something you don't like. what's the point in doing so? you should be writing your own story, adding your own plot twists, creating new characters, making up annoying cliffhangers, you should be creating your life, not living someone else's.
it probably sounds messy, i just really wanted to get that out of my chest ^^


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Love u<3
Beautiful thoughts, but if I lived like that I'd quit school and everything and throw my computer on the wall. But sometimes you have to do things you hate.
Banghimlo #3
Thank you for this~
It really inspires me *hugs*