Yearbook Crisis

So, we got our yearbooks back today. I planned to ask him since we were in the same class and there weren't that many people in the class—only friends. I even decided to ask all my friends to sign it so it wouldn't seem weird for me to just walk up to him and be like: "Please sign my yearbook." When the last of my friends finished signing, I was so nervous and the bell was going to ring too so I knew that if I didn't do it now I would regret it later.

I asked one of my friends—who knew I had a crush on him— if I should ask him to sign my yearbook and she said yes. However, even with her support, I couldn't force myself to do it. She saw the look in my eye and she asked if I wanted her to do it for me. I obviously said yes and she immediately took the yearbook and pen from my hands. 

I watched in anticipation as she asked him very boldly. I overheard him say sorry and I was about to step in but my friend was like "Why? Just sign anything." I even nodded when she said it but he still refused, saying that he doesn't sign yearbooks.

Anyways, I was left heartbroken and disappointed to heard that but it's okay since I only talked to him like two times this entire year. I even thought we had a connection since every time I look over at him he's either already staring at me or he senses my stare and looks over. At least he was honest about what he said though. 

—Tell me what you think about what you happened to me or comment about an experience with your crush. 

PS: My crush's smile and stares have been killing me this entire semester. My heartu can't handle this rejection. In the end, my crush literally crushed my heart.


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