Sungmin Out? Really!?


In light of recent events, and because of Leeteuk’s heartbreaking insta post, I thought I’d express my views on the whole Sungmin Out thing.


       First of all, I in no way shape or form want Sungmin out of the group. I support him 100% and always have. I understand that a lot of K-Elf have expressed they want him to be dropped from the group because of various reasons. I’ve read through all their reasoning from multiple sources. They say it’s not just because he’s married now, but how he handled the entire situation. But, after reading through all their issues with him, I can’t seem to find a single thing he’s allegedly done that would warrant this kind of extreme reaction.

        Secondly, I’ve seen many contradicting stories from K-fans about what actually went down. So, a lot of their allegations may or may not be true. For example, some fans were angry that Sungmin and his family didn’t tell them about the marriage before the media did. They alleged that when they asked them about it, they were lied to. Ok, here’s the thing, you’re not entitled to know everything about his personal life. Also, it’s not his fault that the media leaked his marriage before he was able to tell people. Finally, I’ve read accounts that said Sungmin didn’t say anything or denied rumors at first because he, his family, and the company were still working on the details of when the wedding would be & how they were going to tell people. It’s natural for people to deny rumors when they’re not ready to make the announcement yet.

       Third, some fans claim he made fans edit his wedding video for him. Again, I’ve read a lot of contradictions on this. From what I gathered, he only asked fans if they had any media they wanted to include. They sent what they wanted to him and he had it edited himself. What’s the problem with this? He clearly just wanted to include his fans in his wedding experience. Why are people angry about that? Even if he did ask fans to edit a video for him, that’s not an insult. It shows that he values his fans input. I feel like people would only be offended because they’re bitter he’s getting married.

      Fourth, there are rumors he asked Leeteuk’s permission to get married during the period Leeteuk was grieving over what happened to his family. This has been reported by sources not to be true. It has the feel of a malicious rumor spread by insensitive people. There’s no proof it happened and has been said to be false.

       Fifth, fans were angry that he missed a concert rehearsal for his marriage. Big deal! How many rehearsals has he attended in his time with the band. He misses one and you freak out?! It was for his wedding. He was nothing but a loyal and a hard working member since the beginning. He misses one event in that time and people are angry? Heechul missed an entire concert once to rest for a show filming. Not a single person complained. Sungmin misses something to get married and people lose their minds.

       Sixth, there were claims that he included the words Mimi in his signature. Which, is his wife’s nickname. Well, it’s also his nickname…, I see no issue here either.

       Seventh, fans claim that his wife was spotted using gifts given to him by fans. So? You do know that he can’t use everything he gets. What’s the problem with sharing his things with the women he loves? I’m sure all idols share their fan gifts with their families. She’s the woman he’s going to spend his life with. They live together now. Of course his things are hers too. Just because he shared his gifts with here, doesn’t mean he doesn’t respect his fans or their gifts.

       Eighth, K-Elf were mad that he didn’t postpone his wedding when they asked him to. Do you know how much planning and coordination goes into setting a wedding date? He wanted to get married before his enlistment. It’s also been reported that SM might have had a hand in choosing the wedding date, but this isn’t confirmed. You don’t have the power to dictate his personal life just because you’re a fan. Get over yourself!

       Ninth, K-Elf claim he’s harming the group. I see this as K-Elf harming the group, not Sungmin. It’s their reactions and petty behavior that is affecting the album sales and their image, not Sungmin. He hasn’t done anything illegal. He’s not behaving in a irresponsible way. He’s not running around partying and acting immoral. The man got married! He’s starting his life with the women he loves. It’s your pettiness that is affecting the group. Get over yourselves. If you truly can’t be his fan anymore, fine! But, don’t boycott and harm the entire group because of it. You say you want him out so he doesn’t harm the group, but wanting him out is harming them!!! Read poor Leeteuk’s insta post! The man is distressed and it’s not because of Sungmin, but because of fans being petty and immature!!! Grow up!

     Tenth, there were some people angry that he deleted blog comments by fans. These comments were either malicious or leaking of his wedding news. Everyone reacts to offensive comments online differently. I’ve deleted comments from my posts that made me uncomfortable or were hurtful. Don’t fault him for doing something you yourself has probably done before. Again, this is not a reason to kick him out. None of this is!

      Finally, people want him to apologize. He doesn’t have to, but he already has. He’s apologized 4-5 times already. What else do you want from him?! It’s been almost 3 years since he got married. It’s time to move on!!


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PREACH. seriously, there is no legitimate reason for Sungmin to be kicked out...
Personally, seeing as how ELF is was m very first fandom, I feel disgraced by what these malicious ELF have been up to. I said this in the past and will say it again; Every single member of Suju (and any other group anyone supports) has every right to do with their lives as they please. Just because we support them, buy their mech, albums, attend concerts and whatnot, this doesn't mean we own them in any personal way or form.
Sungmin had really had it rough and it's the fans that are giving him hell that I wish would disclaim the name of ELF forever, AMEN!!!

We, as SJ fans, have a reprehensibility to help our beloved SJ members by being the best ELF we can be and supporting them through the worst and best times. They didn't sign over their lives and souls to us when they decided to become idols. They were just chasing their dreams!

I get so angry when I see people going on about Sungmin's marriage and happiness like it's a crime. If people have such a problem with him being happy and finally finding love, then they should just quietly leave the fandom and forget about calling themselves fans because all they really are is anti-fans in sheep clothing!!!

I honestly just want to see every member of Suju happily married with 30 children between them and constant smiles on their faces. I don't want to have to see any of them apologizing for being happy. That's just bullsh*t!
What was leeteuks insta post?
seriously K-elfs blow everything out of porportion. He is a grown man who can make his own decision and he doesn't need some obsessed fan girls to rule his life. This is going to ruin us and the boys if the 'fans' don't put away their petty feelings
seriously, why out of all people in the world it must be the ELFs who're giving these boys the hard times? the fact that it's the ELFs themselves who did this is what break my heart, °^°
and they still proud to call themselves as an ELFs..

I dunno what to say no more, no matter how much I think about this I still couldn't understand it.
I don't even feel like reading this but I bet you're right because I just saw a few sentences and those fans are mad
They want him to apologize for falling in love? Excuse me, but nobody is telling you how to live, nor can you tell anyone either. Oh my God....
I'm just gonna keep on supporting that smol sweet bun despite what decision they make. He has the right to love and to be loved <3
This entire fiasco reminds me, uncomfortably about how K-ELFs wanted Kyuhyun out, Henry out, Zhou Mi out (and they actually managed to get their twisted way on those last two!)

Sungmin did nothing wrong. He does not deserve this.
I agree with all of this 100%. I've read their comments and accounts of what happened too, and even listened to some that claimed that international fans don't understand. I do understand the disappointment, but at this point they are just plain delusional. They were not entitled to every part of his life and the various postings about what he "supposedly" did wrong and so on are just the problem of jealous fans. All of these so-called fans wanting him out are not only hurting the group, but they are just showing how immature they are. He did not disrespect any of them because he has a right to live his life the way that he wants. I could go through all of it like you did, but you said it perfectly. They really need to grow the heck up and get over themselves.
lovecreation #9
At that time Sungmin was/is a lovesick puppy he only knew her for 3 months and wanted to marry her before he enlisted because he didn't wanted to lose her. he made some wrong decisions, probably under the influence of Saeun. He disrespected his fans and s.
Members have obviously forgiven him but I don't know if his loyal fans who felt disrespected ever will.
Leeteuk and the members were torn between these fans and other fans and obviously from his tweet have made a decision that's going to disappoint part of the fandom. Elf should be united and trust the boys but they aren't. I hope they are going to have a smashing comeback with the army boys back in business. I hope we can leave all this ugliness behind.
I agree with everything you've written here. Those fans sense of entitlement over their idols personal lives is disgusting. It's his personal life for gods sake! They feel like their idols owes them everything even their personal lives. News flash to them, they don't. Idols especially don't owe the fans anything that has to do to their personal/private lives. They need to get over themselves and just admit that they're bitter about the fact that Sungmin got married. That the true reason they want him out is that he got married. No need to make up alleged problematic behavior to justify it.
I just don't understand what the word 'fan' means to these so called 'ELFs' . Someone who has the right to intervene in every detail of the idols' career PLUS personal life?? Well they're wrong! They are a fan for the entertainment part of their lives and have absolutely no right to know and decide they personal life. It's called PERSONAL for a reason after all! And what? How can they call themselves 'ELF' if they don't support all the members? Super Junior is a group who had been through a lot and they've always had each other's back and never abandoned a member no matter what and there had been worse situations than a simple marriage before. How can they want a member out because of such petty reasons?
Also what about the other fans who still love Sungmin and want Suju complete? Aren't we supposed to be a family? All ELF and Suju? How can they so selfishly just ask for a member to be out without even considering I-ELFs and even some K-ELFs? Whose behavior is worse them or Sungmin? I can't get their mindset in no way.
Then again, the fault is also on K-ent industry and the way they've treated fans over years now. I think they should've made some points clear to fans from the start which they didn't and we see how many problems have been caused because of that till now.
I just hope that this situation will be sorted out soon and NOT by Sungmin or any of the members leaving the group. I wanna believe it won't happen because certainly Suju is not a group to just kick a member out like that. But I'm still nervous over this whole situation.
No no no.. sungmin has no reason to go.. if they do it to kangin then there's a valid reason. But sungmin is just being good as a man and sweet as an idol himself.. he's always polite and sweet.. like vitamin. I just don't get it why they do this.. they should support him. Sungmin cannot marry all of us.. and he is not fully ours. it's a single fact that sometimea i forget too.. even for kangin, maybe a warning but not just being kick out like that. I wonder how many of fans ar pro to this or kons. I'm sure there are more who support him to stay.

I get some kind like voting. But don't know which one is official so i can voice it right and being heard by the rightful people about this.
sungmin deffinitely has to stay!
Gyaaaa #13
Oh, they are just a bunch of heart broken - angry - irrational s. We should just ignore them, yet can't fully blamed this on them. And of course not on SME or Sungmin himself. Somehow, it's just how Korean entertainment world is for years... The only korean celebrity i know successfully made his fans understand they have no/ minimum say in his life is Heechul. XD
I blame this 100% on how the companies allow fans to influence their decisions and waiting too long to take legal action against certain anti-fans and extremists. I remember in the earlier years of Kpop, fans were pretty much able to get away with attempted murder (literally) because the companies were too afraid to take legal action since it would reflect poorly on their idols and the company. So idols never had security and fans would take advantage and break into their hotels or even their dorms, threaten and try injuring the female coordinators and stylists, skip school to stalk them and even illegally chase them down with cars. These were very serious and very scary matters and yet they never wanted the police or anything to get involved because they were "young kids" but these young kids should know better. And it inadvertently encouraged them to continue doing what they did as long as they didn't get caught. Because the companies only cared about their idols were popular and their music sold.

It's these same fans that feel entitled because they think that they possess these idols and that these idols owe it to them. The media continues to place these idols on an unrealistic pedestal, perfect creatures that live in a glass case where their lives are shown openly. Being an entertainer is their job, not their identity and the companies, the media and the law should be trying to protect them and their personal lives, especially considering that idols are just kids. They expect too much from these kids and put way too much stress on their lives. They accept this anti-fan behavior as a normal thing and they don't take it seriously as they should. Whats issue with Sungmin shouldn't even be questioned. So he got ing married, they're all going to be one day and these fans are delusional if they think they won't.

There finally needs to be a change when it comes to how idols and celebrities in general are perceived in Korea and create better laws to protect them.
AGREED. WELL SAID. I wish there was a way I could share this all over the place. UGH

Also, what will E.L.F.s do when Siwon gets married? Or Heenim? Or Leteeuk? Will they all be kicked out too? Until there is no more SJ? Grow up!