I tried

We all have that demons that we are dwelling each day. Well who doesn't have? We are continuosly fighting with our demons trying to breakthrough and its so hard fighting with your demons. Day by day our demons are slowly eating us. Especially when anger goes in. Trying to be a saint when you are not. Trying to pretend to be nice when you are far way from being nice. Showing a facade that you are a saint when inside you are rotten in hell.

I am no saint instead I am a little devil living in this world. I keep on fighting with demons but I just can't. I tried so hard that I want to be that good girl they always want me to be. I keep on trying but I just keep on failing. I guess I must removed the mask that I've been wearing for years. It is time to show who I really am and wait for the people who will accept me for who I am not for whom they want me to be. I am not born to please people and I am not a people pleaser in any way but I guess this may sound ironic but I am showing them that I am nice and a good girl but the truth is I am not. Instead I am a little demon pestering everyone and everybody else around me. 

I admit it Im not that devil but Im not that nice but one thing is for sure I have the attitude of the brat. What I want is what I get. That's my motto, I'm trying to change day by day. I guess this is life and I have to deal with it. Sooner or later I'll be accepted in this society. There will be a person who will accept people who are like me. We are trying so hard. I tried but I'm tired. 

I'm so done pretending someone who is not me.


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