I was thinking about LNAD and I remembered that I came up with LNAD because of a few jock!yeol and punk!baek drabbles that one of my tumblr followers asked that I do a quick-write about... And so I digged this up. This is the 2nd thing I wrote in the LNAD!universe before even LNAD itself because I wanted drama around PROM lol

But in this version, y'all wish that it was this easy and soft because compared to the actual LNAD book, this is soft angst haha. Some of you may have already read it, but ugh... I love looking at my old stuff that I've forgotten about IDK



Jock!Yeol and Punk!Baek Prom Night au 

Baekhyun was absolute mess.

And he doesn’t even want to go to prom.

The entire idea was stupid, but it was Chanyeol’s idea. Of course, he felt obligated to go. There was no doubt in his mind that Chanyeol would be crowned prom king and that he’d have to watch his boyfriend dance with someone else more popular—possibly prettier than him.

Hell, everyone was better looking than him—or so Baekhyun thought despite Chanyeol repeatedly telling him that he was his perfect little punk sweetheart.

Looking at himself in the mirror, Baekhyun glared grudgingly. His hair was done neatly thanks to the help of his sister. His eyeliner and make up was perfectly fine, but he knew that he’d get ty remarks for wearing it anyways.

He looked at the clock and saw that Chanyeol had about thirty minutes to pick him up. Sitting in his room, Baekhyun found himself drowning in his own thoughts.

Dating the basketball jock was fun, he had to admit, but at the same time, there were moments when Baekhyun wanted to break down. He didn’t like the pressure or the attention that he got. Sometimes he’d act like he didn’t hear certain remarks, but he knew that it hurt him anyways no matter how much he tried to act like he was perfectly fine.

Thirty minutes was an awful long time for Baekhyun to be left alone by himself. And it was enough, actually.

He doesn’t know why but he ran out to the front of his house and began walking. Chanyeol was supposed to pick him up, but Baekhyun couldn’t stop his feet from going to the bus stop and getting on.

God, how he hated everyone at school. He wasn’t much of a fan for them. Nobody understood him much. His music was “crap” and his style was “scary”—or so it had been said.

Going to prom was something Baekhyun really didn’t want to do.

So he figured, as he watched the scenery out the window change drastically, he should just run away. He felt somewhat bad for Chanyeol, but felt he should side with everyone else at school that night and agree that he, Byun Baekhyun, was not needed nor worthy.

Chanyeol was going to have fun either way. He had to. Chanyeol didn’t need him to tag along.

To be Chanyeol’s little alternative boyfriend on another day was fine, but the fact that Baekhyun had to dress up and surround himself with people he wasn’t necessarily fond of on Prom night of all nights was scary—and quite frankly, Baekhyun didn’t want to deal with it.

He took a seat on the bus and took out his phone. Instantly, he saw a text from Chanyeol, asking him if he was ready. Baekhyun paused for a second before replying that he wasn’t feeling too well so he didn’t even bother to dress up.

Chanyeol responded quickly asking if he was going to be okay.

Baekhyun pursed his lips and responded with a “yes, I’ll just listen to some of my new CDs”.

Skeptically, Chanyeol asked if he was using sickness as an excuse to stay at home. To this, Baekhyun laughed at the jock before replying with a no.

It took a few seconds before Baekhyun added, “you should go on without me. There are bound to be people that need a partner and would love to dance with you.”

A minute later, Baekhyun’s phone rang and he quickly answered, making sure to sound ill.

“Hello?” he groaned.

“Are you seriously sick?” Chanyeol asked.

“Yeah… My stomach hurts really bad…” Baekhyun grumbled.

“Are you in your room?”

“Mhm…” Baekhyun muttered , looking out the window.

On the other side, Baekhyun could hear some shuffling and muffled voices for a minute before he heard a distant bang and Chanyeol scoffing. 


Baekhyun blinked. “What?”

“You’re not here. You’re not in your room.”

Left speechless, Baekhyun didn’t know what to say.

“Why’d you lie to me? Where are you?”

Maybe it was his walls or his anxiety, but Baekhyun hung up and put his phone face down on his lap.


Baekhyun knew that Chanyeol tried calling him again because in the ten minutes that it took to get to the train station (he didn’t know where to go so he decided to go to the last stop which was the station), he received roughly thirty calls with the additional twenty text messages. At the station, Baekhyun felt like he was running away, which he was, and for some reason, he didn’t feel any guilt about it.

To him, he just didn’t want to go to prom; he didn’t want to feel like an outcast outside of the regular school hours; he didn’t want to see girls fawn over his boyfriend while talking behind his back; he didn’t want to listen to the ty song choices either.

Decisions, decisions.

Reaching into his pockets, Baekhyun felt his wallet and looked inside. He found some money and thought “what the hell”. Shutting his phone off, he bought a ticket, catching the last train heading to the coast.



Running away from his boyfriend, getting on a bus, and heading to the beach was not how Baekhyun imagined his prom night. His phone was shut off and he couldn’t see anything outside the window but the rare blurs of outlines and the dark.

In all his years, prom night fantasies usually involved him listening to music and lying on his bed, maybe writing or singing along to his songs until he was the only one in his neighborhood still awake. But Park Chanyeol came in and kind of ruined that fantasy and now he was on a train.



By the time, Baekhyun reached the coast, it was nearing midnight. From the station, he went inside a tiny store that was open and asked for directions to the beach. Although he was given an odd look, he got them anyways and soon he was there, on the sandy beach, alone and ruining his suit by lying on the ground.

Closing his eyes, Baekhyun felt at peace. The sound of the ocean was almost as nice as the revolutionary (or at least that’s what he called it) music about anti-conformity and individuality.

For a moment, Baekhyun kind of wished that his sporty boyfriend was there with him. He didn’t feel alone, but he wondered if that was because he was just so used to being alone that it never bothered him anymore, though it should’ve.

Sighing, Baekhyun decided to forget everything for a while. He was overwhelmed. Chanyeol probably went to the prom without him anyways. He had the tickets. Plus, like Baekhyun said, there would’ve been a lot of single girls there prettier than he was—maybe even more fit to be Chanyeol’s partner than him, but what did Baekhyun know.

He hadn’t realized how tired he was nor was he aware when his lids began to feel too heavy to lift once again. Lying cradled by the sand and lullabied by the ocean, Baekhyun fell asleep.



Returning home was oddly refreshing. The complete rush of his decisions that night before (like deciding to ditch Chanyeol and sleep on a beach) felt liberating. All that Baekhyun hoped for while he was on the train going back home was that Chanyeol had some fun at the prom without him.

The thoughts in Baekhyun’s head stalled for while. It wasn’t until he was on the bus heading to his house that he wondered if Chanyeol spent the night with someone else. Not as a dance partner or such, but more in the sense that Chanyeol actually decided to get intimate with someone.

It was prom night and as Baekhyun judged from all the gross magazine articles and movies, there were bound to be people hooking up. The thought of Chanyeol touching someone else’s body besides his bothered Baekhyun a lot, but if Chanyeol did, then Baekhyun didn’t know what he would do since he was the one who left. Maybe Chanyeol was upset enough to get hammered and laid to spite him.

Maybe. Baekhyun didn’t know. In fact, he really didn’t want to know.



Once he got to his stop, Baekhyun got off the bus and began walking back to his house. His hair stuck out in all placed, his eye makeup had been smudged, his suit was ed, his tie was loose, and his shirt was untucked. As he walked, he left tiny trails of sand behind him from his shoes.

Baekhyun wasn’t expecting much. He did expect to be yelled at by him parents. Maybe when Chanyeol left, they figured he had met up with him. Then the fact that he didn’t even go home must’ve meant he slept in Chanyeol’s arms or something, which he didn’t. He slept in sand.

What Baekhyun didn’t expect, however, was the basketball star. There, sitting on the porch, was Chanyeol, sleeping against the wall.


Baekhyun fought the urge to smile, but found his lips curving anyways. He felt his heart beat oddly (it was weird, Baekhyun didn’t like it) and he couldn’t help but take in a deep breath to calm his nerves. Shaking his head, he laughed quietly for a second before he dropped the happy look on his face, walked past the gate, and kicked Chanyeol by the leg.

The giant woke up in a surprise, startled as hell and confused as could be. He looked around to see where he was, trying to figure out why he wasn’t in his bed.

Watching the idiot confused was amusing to Baekhyun, but he hid it when he scoffed. “Get off my porch and go home.”

He walked past Chanyeol’s scrambling body and went for the door. Whistling a short tune, Baekhyun knelt down and began to look for the house key under the rug.

“Baek?” Chanyeol’s groggy voice said from behind. “Wha…Where’d you go last night?”

Looking back for a second, Baekhyun saw Chanyeol tiredly rub his eyes. “Somewhere.” Diverting the conversation from himself, he added, “How was the prom?”

“I didn’t go…”

Baekhyun paused. “Why not? I told said that you could go—”

“Why would I wanna go without you?” Chanyeol threw back at him, fully awake and irritated as his memories came back.

“I figured that it wouldn’t have mattered if I went or not—”

“Of course, it would’ve mattered!” Chanyeol cried. “I wanted to go with you, so yeah, it mattered, Baek.”

“Chanyeol, I didn’t even want to go to prom. You could’ve asked someone else,” Baekhyun sighed before trying to look for the house key again. When he couldn’t find it under the rug, he looked elsewhere.

“I didn’t want to go with someone else,” Chanyeol said in a hard tone, “you’re my boyfriend so why would I want to go with someone else! I know you don’t like school functions, but I thought that maybe being with me would’ve made it not as bad.”

“Let’s not pretend like you weren’t going to be whisked away by your friends and other people, Yeol,” Baekhyun said casually as he carefully lifted every plant he could find.

"Are you implying that I would’ve ignored you?" Chanyeol asked, taken aback.

"I’m just saying that everyone would’ve wanted your attention," Baekhyun explained. "Plus like I said, prom’s not my thing—argh, where the hell’s the key."

"I wasn’t going to ditch you," Chanyeol defensively said,"I mean, yeah, you ditched me last night, but if we would’ve gone, I wouldn’t have let them take me away. I would’ve danced with you."

Baekhyun thinned his lips for a moment. “I wouldn’t have liked their song choice anyways.”

Chanyeol frowned at him before reaching into his jacket and pulling out a music player and headphones. “We could’ve moved to a corner and slow danced to one of your songs. I don’t really like music about riots against society, but I know how that’s your thing so I downloaded them.”

In that moment, Baekhyun didn’t know what to do. He stopped looking for the house key and focused his entire attention on Chanyeol.


"And I know how you don’t like the idea of prom. I got that," Chanyeol said, sticking his hand in his jacket again. "That’s why I didn’t get you a flower or whatever. I got you this."

Baekhyun looked at what Chanyeol held out to him. “A bracelet?”

"A bracelet that says ‘ society’ actually. It’s a bit vulgar with the F word but it’s you," Chanyeol shrugged.

For a while, Baekhyun was silent. “You didn’t have to do any of this…” he said quietly.

"And you didn’t have to run away just because you thought it was going to be horrible," Chanyeol replied.

Sighing, Baekhyun drew his eyes down. “Well, if it makes you feel any better, I woke up with sand in my eyes. It kind of hurt.”

"Karma’s mean, Baek."

"I know."

"Where’d you go?" Chanyeol asked again softly. "You didn’t pick up my calls or reply to my texts. I was worried—not to mention that I felt like total , being stood up and all."

"I went to the beach—"


"Because I could," Baekhyun answered. Feeling like he owed it, he walked toward Chanyeol and patted him on the cheek since he wasn’t the type to initiate hugs. "I’m sorry. I’ll make it up one day—if we’re still dating. Who knows."

"You really know how to cheer a man up," Chanyeol mumbled, giving him a look.

Before Baekhyun could move away, Chanyeol held his hand for a bit before hinting at him to stay. When Baekhyun understood, Chanyeol took the music player, plugged in the head phones and promptly put one of the ear buds in Baekhyun’s ear.

"I know how you can make it up," he said, smiling down at Baekhyun’s surprised self. "I’m not going to forgive you all the way just yet, but I’ll just add this to your forgiveness points."

"You want to dance? Here?"

Placing the music player in his pocket, Chanyeol held Baekhyun’s hand and placed his other hand on his waist.

"Honey, yes, here. I think that the prom king deserves at least one dance."

Baekhyun scoffed but nonetheless began to follow Chanyeol’s slow motions. “The king shouldn’t be dancing with a pauper…” he said as he rested his head against Chanyeol’s chest.

"What’re you talking about?" Chanyeol laughed softly. "I’m dancing with my queen, not a pauper."

"You’re gross."

"And even if you were a pauper, I’d marry you and make you a queen."

"Stop it, you airhead."

"I love this song, Baek, just as much as I love you."

"This song is literally just screaming right now, Yeol," Baekhyun commented, though he smiled to himself for a while. "You’re quite a terrible liar."

"This’ll be our song forever."

"If you say so," Baekhyun replied.

"We’ll do everything to this song. We’ll kiss to this song, we’ll have on my bed to this song, we’ll get married to this song, we’ll even make our kids to this song."

"Just stop talking. You’re killing the message of the lyrics," Baekhyun laughed.

Hearing the male laugh seemed like better music to Chanyeol’s ears. “Even if you ditched me to sleep like a hobo at the beach for a night, I’m loving this moment. It makes everything better.”

"Stop being cheesy."

"Okay, honey."

Baekhyun rolled his eyes at the endearment, ignoring the warm feeling that he felt. He let Chanyeol slow dance him on the small porch for a few minutes despite how unfitting the song was. But still, nothing could’ve been more perfect.

"Hey, Chanyeol?"


"Do you have the house key?"

"Of course, I do. I knew you’d try and get in your house to avoid me so I took it."


"Shhh, just be quiet and let me hold you, okay? You smell like the ocean. I Iike that."


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/Cries a river/

I'll miss LNAD so damn much T-T
teddles #2
Perfection. Well, so is everything you write.
Actually, I haven't read LNAD, I still save it on my bookmark.. but read this.. I love it! It gives me smile at the end~~ :)
iChanbaeki #4
ReddySwan #5
I just melted
intan0395 #7
Jheckaishi25 #8
awww. this is too cute. kill me now
San_no_Hime #9
This made me miss LNAD even more :/
Punk!Baekhyun is so frustrating but relatable at the same time lol And I love Baekhyun and Chanyeol's dynamics in this au, as dysfunctional as they are as a couple.
Anyway, thanks for the drabble, I liked it!