just a trash piling up on my mind

I don't know why I write this blog post, but I just feel the urge to do it. So, our baby Woojin was eliminated and I couldn't do anything but to cry. Our Woojin and Daniel were always sticking up with each other last night, as if they already got a feeling that this might be the last time they could be together. I was crying last night and I really can't hold it when Daniel hugged his baby. 


Oh my God this is the thing that I really hate.


I really want to see them debut together, and it's even more frustrating because we, international fans can't give vote for them.


And another thing that made me cry is that our justice league team's maknae, Hyunbin, was eliminated. I really can't stand it, Hyunbin has been doing well since the 'deep' scold Jonghyun gave to him. I feel proud of him, he improves a lot and even though I already expected that he has a little chance to debut, but his rank was 22nd while mnet just make it up to Top20 not Top22. Gdi if only mnet didn't change it Hyunbin-ie will still survive ;A;


Everything here is literally everything that has bothered me since last night. I actually want to write another fic of OngNielJin BUT this makes me breaking down. I really want to write it but what I have in my mind is a happy ending OngNielJin, not teary ending OngNielJin.


But I might write the sad ending one instead.




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