Confessions (tagging whoever reads it)

Confession 1: Have you ever broken a law before? And how?
Uh...I've downloaded songs illegally. 

Confession 2: Have you been caught in an awkward situation?
I feel like I've spent most of my 18 years as an awkward turtle so yes. Yes, I have.

The most recent one was where I was telling a friend a story and she was like  "....dude I told you this exact thing last week."


Confession 3: Any romantic happenings in your life?
What is this romance you speak of?. 

Confession 4: Most embarassing moment:
OKAY I'm going into really sensitive terriorites here.

When I was in 1st grade, I had to pee really badly so by the time I went to the bathroom, I was like about to burst. As my luck would have it (I have such bad luck RIP) as soon as I got in the bathroom stall...I somewhat peed my pants. 

I had to tell my teacher so she would call my mom, so I could go home. It was towards the end of the school day too :/ 

Confession 5:Weirdest thing you've ever done:
Uh...I'm generally really weird so that's a very broad question...I guess it would be that whenever I'm annoyed/tired/have nothing much to say while texting/messaging, I will say "meow" lol


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I think we all have the illegal song downloading in our back pockets. And I'm sure romance will come eventually, though I'm still waiting too.
And about being awkward... Talking too much kinda makes everything awkward eventually so I've got that down.