Moving past Writer's block

So I'll make these occasionally since people really enjoyed my first writing tips one. This will be focused on what to do when you're stuck on a story or when you have writer's block on one. This is a problem that plagues many authors I know. I myself get stuck in this occasionally but i have a few methods to get over this. The first is to have a clear mind and......... 


1-Don't get married to the idea in your head.


You're never gonna get exactly what you envision onto a story. This is a common problem that can easily be overcome. What I mean by this is that many authors when they think of a story direction they will attempt to funnel their writing down that path. This is good for some people but it wears on you. Writing in the same way will eventually run dry, which will lead to writers block. The initial story idea is great to steer your stories but it gives you tunnel vision to new ideas. Which leads into the second point. 


2-Get a second opinion or another author's input


Don't ever be afraid to ask a fellow author for an opinion. Sometimes other people can bring something to a project that you probably never thought of. Writing isn't collabarative by nature but it can help when you are stuck. Let others share ideas with you or even try a hand at writing your next chapter. This helps not only you by getting more inspiration but lets you broaden your writing style. 


3-Start another story on the side


Now this seems like a stupid idea^ starting a new story would just make new work? Right? Yes but sometimes walking away from a project is the best thing to do. You may have exhausted everything you can currently on that story and starting a new one with fresh ideas may help you bring something to the old one. 

Now this is how I fix my writers block and I hope it helps you too. 


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