Review Explanation

Hi, as most of you know I am a reviewer – well, used to be. As of today I will not be reviewing stories outside of will. Why? Because it has become more of a job than a hobby. I used to do this as a method of relaxation and because I loved helping others. However, recently that has changed drastically and I have settled to step back. I've noticed that reviewing fan fiction has been mixing with my everyday life when it shouldn't. I've been having trouble setting my top priorities because I literally almost made reviewing stories my priority and it almost made drop my grades and important places at uni. I felt like I should have always give it in time because I needed to help as many people as possible. I was by the most part alone in this. And to be very honest, reading fics over my texts books should never be a thing on the first place. That's why I have decided to close ODD Review for good. Perhaps I'll change my mind in the future but right now it shall remain closed. To all those reviewers out there please always remember that you should critique the story for its contents, not for what you wished​ they wrote.

Thank you for everyone who has requested and gave me the opportunity to read and help you improve all of your beautiful stories around the web.


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I can understand what you feel. That is a wise decision you made. You have to set your priorities straight even if it hurt you a bit. Good luck with your future
That's a wise choice sweetie. You shouldn't force yourself into anything. Do it out of fun sometimes if you missed it. Good luck in your up coming exams. I'm sure you'll get better results ♡