
i feel like flaws don't exist when all of my senses are focused on you. I don't need to look at the people that walk by or are sitting a few feet away; i see your eyes, the way they look when you smile and laugh but also the way they get when you hear things that are sad.

taste, i think about taste. what do i love to taste? coca-cola my mind says calm and confident but then you kiss me and maybe the kiss is more then a peck or one that is five seconds. it's your lips on mine but maybe, occasionally it's my tongue tasting the bottom of your lip. tasting you a quiet voice says, it's not my mind it's my heart that pounds for you.

feel, i feel my hands tremble my legs shaking. or i feel the coldness of my phone, nothing to it no emotion emits from holding it. now i feel your hand and that's cold too but now it's intwined with hand that is warm and rough and wanting to hold you. i feel your hair tracing through my finger tips, so soft gentle and emitting a smell that makes the goosebumps stay longer.

that's right smell, smell. I smell the air, air i always smell. it's usually nothing or maybe it's a sticky kind of smell or water from the sink smell after a long night of rain. in 6 a.m it makes me feel as if what was surrounding me was a field of nothing but me and the grass. but now i smell you, you after a night of forgetting to brush you teeth and not letting me kiss you because you decided to eat stinky cheese. I smell your shampoo through a closed bathroom door, the one that i sometimes steal because i want to have the comfort of you when you are with me.

I hear blood rushing harshly through my ears. the noise all the noise. i'm losing myself in my anxiety. but it goes away because you'll whisper or i'll hear and fell your hand softly rub my neck. I hear your loud singing that comes from the car when you first arrive and i'm still indoors.i hear the whimper from a bite that i plan to see early the next morning.

i imagine and imagine and i wonder about you. i can't wait to see you.


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