Deactivated + Usernames

Not me. Others.

I kinda wish people who deactivate their accounts or delete their stories would give their readers/friends a warning. Like write a blog post with their username in it to let everyone know they've decided to discontinue their time on AFF, whether it states a reason or not. Then I can expect to not wait for an update to a story/unsubscribe (so my 150+ subscription can be lessened) or not be disappointed when I want to re-read their story.

You know. Just a thought.

Someone who designed a poster for my one-shot compilation asked if she could design another, and before I got the chance to reply, she deactivated her account...?!
Then, just now, I've been going through my subscriptions only to find that 30 stories (and probably more) have been deleted/the authors have deleted their accounts so what have I been waiting for all this time/I can't read their story again!!! D:


On a totally different note, I changed my username a while ago, and I think all the story comments I made before the username change have been deleted? Is that a thing? If it is, that !


Have a good week everyone ^^


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angelflyer22 #1
I know how you feel! It's upsetting... I wish that they would give a little warning too! It would make me feel a little less disappointed and sad T_T